We are now nearing the end of June and this blog is still not off the ground - I must say that does not apply to the veggies in the allotment they are flying - and so are the weeds!
B has a tremendous show this year - he is well pleased with his achievements and so am I- we are using our own lettuces, beetroot, potatoes and calebrese in the kitchen and picking sweetpeas - and what a gorgeous perfume they give to a room - better than any scented candle
Courgettes are in flower and butternut squash are looking good, peas have been hit and miss - as last year - although it is nice to eat your own peas - Sainsburys down the road have some good bags of peas in their freezers!
Purple podded peas bought from Delma at the Malvern Show are growing well in our do it yourself polytunnel - peas are in a large pot and are climbing up the canes - no sign of any flowers or anything yet - I wait in anticipation!
Hardy geraniums ordered last month have not arrived yet as we speak - I am looking forward to this - they are amongst my favourites in the garden - they never fail to surprise me by self seeding where least expected - fabulous colours too- I will list the names when I get the delivery.
Tomatoes - cucumbers and peppers are looking well in the greenhouse - fingers crossed for a bumper crop!
I have included the snippet above - by clicking on the pic I can enlarge the text -and refer back as and when required - I have already taken some primula seeds and followed the instructions - I have put them outside on the staging against the greenhouse in a seedtray covered by a wire basket to prevent the blackbirds scratching them out - something has already come through - could be primulas but is probably weeds we shall see!